How can I grow my hair longer and faster??? That is one of the most frequently asked questions I get into my mailbox! So about time to write an article on it. Growing long hair fast is as easy as 1,2,3 with my 3-step approach. It is all about the combination of 3 powerful building steps that go back to my 3-step system I describe in my book “The complete guide to healthy hair. A 3-step program to heal your hair.” (on Amazon, iBooks, Kindle,...)
In this article I will show you my best of advice so you can use it to grow your hair long faster. In this part 1 of the article I start with the first building block: your nutrition plan. You can use all the products in the world, but if you don’t take care of yourself from the inside out, you cannot grow long and healthy hair. So here are my tips for better nutrition to get that long rapunzel hair:
Drink plenty of water of light herbal teas to hydrate your hair. For hair support I suggest you take a look at the recipe in my book for a hair-supporting teablend I have created myself.
Protein is what your hair is built of, so you need a lot of it for your hair to grow long, shiny and healthy. I don’t mean you have to eat a shipload of meat – I just point out that you need to have a healthy form of protein at the center of most of your meals. I don’t think you really need a protein supplement unless you seriously work out a lot or if your body needs to recover after a stressful time like after giving birth.
And of course: get your daily 100 hairbrush strokes a day with a natural, boar bristle hair brush to nourish your hair and to avoid damage. Our hair brush range from Delphin & Emerence is our little hair miracle solution! Check out our range HERE